103-1112 Austin Ave, Coquitlam, BC


Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Coquitlam

Pregnancy might cause several types of pain including pelvic, wrist and back pain.

Pregnancy has its own set of unique challenges when it comes to dealing with back painwrist pain, leg cramps, and groin discomfort (complaints that are commonly reported during pregnancy). Here comes the importance of using chiropractic care during pregnancy.

The additional weight gained while pregnant – about 30 lbs. on average – puts additional stress on the back, knees, hips, feet, and ankles. This results in changes in posture and biomechanics, changes in sleeping positions, and limits the ability to move freely during pregnancy.

Fulcrum Therapy pregnancy chiropractors are here to help pregnant women go pain-free.

What Is a Prenatal Chiropractor?

A prenatal chiropractor is a chiropractic doctor with a special interest and training to treat common pregnancy. The related conditions are Sacroiliac (SI joint) pain, sciatica, rib pain, pubic pain, groin strains, and more.

Dr. Kimiya and Dr. Amber are especially interested in treating women in the prenatal and postnatal periods and in helping women’s healing journey after birth.

They are both familiar with the Webster Technique, a gentle treatment to help with the intrauterine and round ligament tension. It ensures the pelvis is optimal for a more painless and natural birthing process.

Coquitlam Webster-certified Chiropractors

The Webster Technique is a specific sacral analysis that identifies constraints on the sacrum, pelvis, and ligaments that connect the uterus to the pelvis. It assists in optimal alignment and function of all the pelvic floor structures to facilitate an easier birth and, indirectly, help babies go vertex.

A Webster method chiropractor is trained to identify areas of high tension and targets treatment to reduce tension, allowing the uterus to be in the ideal position for the birthing process.

Need Your Condition Be Assessed by Our Chiropractors?

Book your appointment with Drs. Kimiya or Amber right now!

Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is full of uncertainties, happy moments, surprises, and challenges. If you like to control your health, plan in advance, and act preventatively on health issues, seeing a chiropractor during your pregnancy may be one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your baby.

Benefits of seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy:

  • Reduce back and pelvic pain.
  • Reduce pain associated with sciatica and shooting pains.
  • Relieve tired, aching muscles.
  • Help prepare for childbirth through education.
  • Ensure a faster recovery through prehab and postnatal exercise recovery.
  • Incorporation of knowledge combined with pregnancy exercises to regain control of your pelvic floor and core muscles.
Chiropractic care while pregnant helps women treat their pelvic or back pains.

Prenatal Chiropractic Helps Treat the Following Conditions:

  • Is it Safe to Go to Chiropractor During Pregnancy/First Trimester?

    It is highly recommended that pregnant women see a chiropractor starting the first trimester (first three months/12 weeks of pregnancy).

    Since the body is undergoing significant changes during that phase, prenatal chiropractic care allows for the expansion of the pelvis and the uterus. Having the joints, ligaments, and muscles in optimal position helps accommodate these changes. It then can result in a more comfortable pregnancy in the later trimesters.

    We recommend that you visit your chiropractor starting early during your pregnancy. A prenatal chiropractor provides advice on postural changes and a safe stretch routine. Besides, there may be previous imbalances or issues before pregnancy. The sooner you discover and begin to work on it, the better.

  • What Chiropractic Techniques Can Be Used to Help with Pregnancy?

    Your pregnancy chiropractor can help with your pelvis, glute, and back tension throughout your pregnancy to help your body feel most comfortable as the uterus grows and the ligaments become lax.

    Treatment often involves muscle tension release techniques, gentle hip, pelvis, spinal mobilizations, and adjustments to ensure an optimal pelvis position for the delivery.

Suffering from Any of the Mentioned Conditions?

Book your appointment with our Coquitlam pregnancy chiropractors now!

What to Expect from Our Pregnancy Chiropractic Sessions?

Both Dr. Kimiya and Dr. Amber are prenatal chiropractors. They have special interest, training, and expertise in treating common pregnancy-related conditions.

At your first chiropractic visit, the doctors will ask you specific questions about your overall health, pregnancy history, and goals and try to understand your unique individual needs best. Before treatment is provided, a physical assessment is performed to determine a diagnosis and set a baseline for where you stand today regarding joint stiffness, mobility, posture, and strength.

Our doctors will recommend a treatment plan, and treatment can occur during your first initial visit if there are no contraindications.

Treatment is tailored to your individual needs.

Whether you struggle with posture, tight low back or neck muscles, or want to work on your core strength, it can all be done with proper planning and prescription of appropriate home care exercises.

Chiropractic during pregnancy is a solution to relive sciatica and other pains in body.
  • When to Start Seeing a Prenatal Chiropractor?

    The earliest you can start is the best time to start seeing a prenatal chiropractor. Generally, as your hormone levels change, ligaments soften and relax, and the SI joints become more lax. When you are under regular care from a chiropractor, you can minimize issues arising from such physical and biomechanical changes.

    Pain and discomfort from conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, and others can be kept at bay or eliminated because of regular care throughout pregnancy.

    However, if you find yourself in the later stages of pregnancy and acute pain, do not hesitate to reach out, as chiropractic is one of the most effective therapies in reducing acute pain related to joint mechanics or nerve impingements such as sciatic pain.

  • How Often Should I See a Chiropractor While Pregnant?

    During the initial assessment, our chiropractors can determine your body’s baseline. More frequent visits may be recommended if there is significant tension and restrictions.

    If you have no pre-existing issues, it may be recommended to see a chiropractor once/month for the first trimester, 2x/month in the second trimester, and your unique needs based on how the body feels in the third trimester.

Don't Miss the Health Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Schedule your treatment session with our Coquitlam pregnancy chiropractors!

Locate Our Coquitlam Pregnancy Chiropractic Clinic

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